A few weeks have passed since my last post. That means that everything has been routine and going smoothly.
Treatment is going smoothly, I am just about to complete cycle 43 this coming Thursday.

Zoladex; this is working 3 months in, 3 injections down and zero periods - success. The hot flushes aren't too bad. I think everyone experiences hot flushes slightly differently. For me it feels like my face is on fire. My face gets hot, and it comes in a wave, from my neck up. But it also disappears as fast as it comes on. At night time I am running much warmer than I usually would this time of year, so fingers crossed this all settles down before Summer and the 2 Summer holidays I have booked! First 2 injections were painless, the site bled for about 12 hours. 3rd injection, felt more like a blood test - the sharp scratch and it bruised my stomach, in a perfect circle where the emla patch was. This time it barely bled.
I'm not experiencing any mood swings. The only thing I have noticed is almost anything and everything has the ability to make me cry. Disclaimer I did have a *coke in the slippers moment where I hysterically cried over dropping my breakfast and shattering the bowl into a million pieces - this particular Thursday was a shit show from start to finish so I am writing the whole day off.
One of my dearest friends got married. We celebrated her and her husband loudly, with laughter, good people, plenty of food, dancing and booze.
My darling friend Devon and my cousin Harrison had their baby boy - Welcome to the world Oakley.
My nephew turned 11 and we went bowling. How I am so terrible I will never understand, but it did come in very handy when balls and pins got stuck in the gutter I could rescue them with my reliable gutter bowling skills!
I have had catch ups with many wonderful friends in my life. We are going to have our house re-carpeted. The dogs are loving life and have been hunting up a storm with Maori vs. Wild.
The school holidays are right around the corner. The July holidays are particularly great in the private school world, mainly for the fact they are 3 weeks long. So I have dedicated week 1 to medical appointments - stand by for some excellent updates! The other 2 are set aside for friends, relaxing and facials.
Today I did have a public oncology appointment to schedule my next 12 weeks of treatment. Usually these appointments can go one of two ways.
In and out, no issues.
This appointment was an issues appointment. Some of you may remember my last public onc. appointment was when I had the 2 lumps on the back of my neck, which required an urgent PET/CT, where we discovered the lumps where lymph nodes doing lymph node things. Well this appointment started with me being grilled on why the oncologist couldn't see the report (spoiler alert he could, he just didn't look in the right month in the system). After he had a quick read of the report he said "well I'm surprised the lymph nodes were nothing, I thought they were abnormal and suspicious. I might just have a feel and see if they are still there" (another spoiler alert they aren't - but we dare not believe the patient).
The conversation then moved to how I was handling the zoladex, and low and behold a grilling about why I was so well. Now maybe I am naïve, but I was under the impression that the goal was 'as well as possible, for as long as possible'. Not to this guy, he had no issue making me feel like an absolute arsehole for being well and thriving. Well jokes on him because upon leaving the appointment I decided that, that doctor is going to have to see me every 12 weeks for the rest of his career and watch me thriving my way through life... you don't mess with a woman who manifests!
Anyway, I am good. I feel good (aside from the menopause middle spread issue) I look good, I can do everything I want, I'm sleeping good, eating, drinking, exercising, my hair is growing, my eyelashes and eyebrows have stopped falling out, my toe is better - smashing life.